Yesterday was the final of the Female Start-Up of the Year award through Enterprise Nation. I was fortunate to have made it to the final, with two others, to do a three minute live pitch.
Well, what a fab experience! Exhilarating and nerve wracking at the same time. Sadly I didn’t win BUT so glad to have been a part of it. Jessica Heagren, founder of That Works For Me won the title and was a truly worthy winner. Lauren O’Donnell, founder of Oatsu also did a fantastic and inspiring pitch.
The Woolf’s Kitchen only officially launched in June and I am SO proud to have made it the finals just four months into my journey.
THANK YOU so much to everyone who voted for me, shared my posts and got their friends, colleagues and family involved! I wouldn’t have got so far without you
I’ve got Big Plans for next year, so 2021 watch out!
Dominique xx