Mum’s Magazine recently asked me to write a piece on the highs and lows of parenting, and to give an insight into the reality of day to day parenting.
With a 2, 3 and 4 year old, it’s been a hectic few years (to say the least!) and having to condense that experience into a few paragraphs was actually fairly tricky. The baby phase, especially with your first, seems to go on forever. Those night feeds! That sleep deprivation! But all of a sudden, before you’ve even had a chance to get to the bottom of your laundry basket, you’ve got a walking, babbling mini human. Someone who talks back at you! Just when you think you’ve got a hang of this parenting malarky, the goal posts change and you’ve got a whole new set of challenges and delights to keep you entertained. Not a dull moment in this household, that’s for sure.
Read the full parenting article on Mum’s Magazine.